Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) was founded in 1947 and is based in Washington, DC. There are currently 21 chapters in 16 states.
The Triad Chapter of Americans United was organized in 2004 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Local chapter members pay dues to the national association. Everyone is welcomed to the gatherings, even those who are not paying members of the national organization.
Americans United (AU) is the only organization dedicated solely to defending the separation of church and state. We are the shield protecting the foundational American principle of freedom of religion — including the right to believe or not believe — for all.
With its extensive network of local chapters, AU seeks to maintain the US Constitutional requirement that the State not support or interfere with individual religious liberty.
Among other activities, AU seeks to eliminate:
- Sectarian prayers at government sponsored functions.
- The efforts of teachers to share their own beliefs in the classroom.
- The intrusion of religious myth into the teaching of science and history in public schools.
- The public funding of religious schools.
- The construction of religious monuments in government spaces.